Monday, November 15, 2010

John Howard Former Prime Minister of Australia.

John Howard, Former Prime Minister of Australia, kindly signed two copies of cartoons I have done of him as an editorial artist with News Ltd. He didnt recognise whose head he was holding in the caroon at first, but when I said it was Mark Latham (former Opposition Leader) can see he LOVED that!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Artwork


I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more. Seen the sights and had delights on many foreign shores. But when my friends ll ask me the place that I adore..I tell them right away...

All around the world and here we are..right back where it all started. I am hanging up the walking boots for a while and getting settled. Time to rev up the studio and get projects going. On my travels I have had so many ideas for work and projects, stories, paintings,exhibitions and finally they will have a chance to get off the ground.

So, hurray! Brisbane. you are my little country town and I call you home!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bendigo Gallery

Bendigo Gallery is the venue for my first Victoria workshop! I am looking forward to heading out of the CBD by train, to see another part of Victoria. I am running two cartoon workshops to co-inside with their Drawing Exhibition. Pictures will be uploaded to share with you the event.

Melbourne to Brisbane

The Brooker Studio has come full circle! We have gone from Newcastle to Brisbane, Brisbane to Dubai, Dubai to Kuwait, Kuwait to Melbourne and now we go back to sunny BRISBANE!

We are looking forward to meeting all our old clients and making new ones. To being fully involved in the cartoon and art scene of Queensland. Much as I love Melbourne and its fab cafes, food, Indie atmosphere and brilliant art and theatre scene, Brisbane is HOME.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Brooker Studio

I am updating my web page now we are back in Australia!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


The Brooker Studio has the other side of the world! Great to be back in Oz, my homeland. My first assignment a caricature of Murdoch for the Walkley Magazine..first of many to come. We are based in Melbourne, righ tin the thick of the arts district of St Kilda. Look forward to many new projects, exhibitions, teaching and commissions.